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Heard of MeetUp? Find our free Smart Sex-Smart Love Discussion Groups at http://bit.ly/2zmx5fO as we work towards integrating our workshops into the local community. See you there!
Heard of MeetUp? Find our free Smart Sex-Smart Love Discussion Groups at http://bit.ly/2zmx5fO as we work towards integrating our workshops into the local community. See you there!
"Don't Call Harvey Weinstein a Sex Addict: What We Label Things Matters" With all the recent media attention on the Harvey Weinstein scandal—numerous revelations by movie stars about the powerful Hollywood film producer’s sexual harassment and assault habits—we’re seeing many references to his behavior as “sex addiction.” Cleverly, Weinstein has taken [...]
Pitfalls of Not Being a Sexually Informed Therapist Years ago, I saw a cartoon that really made me laugh: In a therapist’s office, a woman is lying on the typical Freudian couch, and says to the therapist, “You know, doctor, there are some things I don’t tell you.” And the [...]